We were created to be in a relationship with our Creator and that inkling you are feeling is the nudge to spend some time growing your faith.

How amazing would it be to take a week to remember what God thinks about you? He loves you, adores you, cherishes you and has promised you a life of abundance WITH Him. This next week, His promises will be spoken over you, your relationships, your health, your business/career, and your family.

He has a unique path for you! I am praying you walk into this week with the expectation that you will grow in your faithĀ & your prayer life!

Send me a prayer & devotion each day for one week!

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We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

We were created to be in a relationship with our Creator and that inkling you are feeling is the nudge to spend some time growing your faith.

How amazing would it be to take a week to remember what God thinks about you? He loves you, adores you, cherishes you and has promised you a life of abundance WITH Him. This next week, His promises will be spoken over you, your relationships, your health, your business/career, and your family.

He has a unique path for you! I am praying you walk into this week with the expectation that you will grow in your faithĀ & your prayer life!

Send me a prayer & devotion each day for one week!